Featured in Hello Oslo

The website is unfortunately no longer in service because our amazing @sharonelkoulby have moved to Spain to begin her new chapter. Her writing about my work in the early days was is still very much appreciated.

May is a mother of two girls and loves to make tasty food. She is a proud Malaysian that travelled and lived around the world and experienced diversity of cultures and ended up in Oslo due to her husband’s job.

When the assistant in the kindergarten asked her to make “matpakke” for her daughters, She wanted to create a wholesome meal that is simple and yet has a lot of health benefits B So she started to bake sourdough bread with different grains.

” Once I started that I gave different friends around Oslo to try it out. I started with some basic types that go well with a lot of toppings. My friends loved it and gave me the idea of making a living out of it. I opened an Instagram account and it slowly grew

Now May has 11 types of bread and 3 cakes on her menu f Her sophisticated twist in baking makes this bread more than just a bread. It is the main dish with plenty of different ingredients and smells, essentially it is the centre of attention. And check that – she also makes customised bread for her clients who want it with extra protein or special seeds!

Her customers became a community where one friend recommends her to another, and thanks to word of mouth May is now becoming more and more well known. “I love talking to my costumers and getting to know them. For me it is a way to integrate into society”.

Published by frognerkitchen

I'm May | Sourdough homebakery in Frogner, Oslo. Finest bread, softloaf, babka, bagels, baguettes, cakes, panettone using active & fresh starter.

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